So, one of the greatest things about Matt and I's jobs is we get to be home with each other. I love how flexible the Courthouse is, and I love having Matt around when he has the chance to do so. And as you can see, Gavin loves it too. Matt was trying to get some work done, but its hard to concentrate with our little man around. So Matt decided to give in for a while, but also teach Gavin that before we get to play, we need to work.
He loves playing with the computer. Anytime he can get his chubby little fingers on the keys he'll do it. It's so funny. Here they are, father and son, workin cute.
After the work is done, its time to play. So today, (Friday the 18th) was so nice out. I love having a home where we can just go out back and enjoy our yard, our privacy and the beautiful weather. Gavin loves it too. He's still so curious about so many things like bushes, dirt, and grass. I put some balls out for him to play with because he loves those more then dirt. :)
No idea what he's saying here, probably "hi". That's his word of the week. Its hi to everyone. When we go to the gym, the store, church, everyone gets a hi. He's most likely saying hi to the ball at this point.
Okay so he doesn't really look too excited here, but he always does this when Im going to take his picture. He takes after Matt in that way. Matt likes to look serious sometimes when we get our picture taken, I guess its a guy thing. :)
Wearing mama's shades. He is so funny. He took them off, looked at them, then tried to put them back on his head, which according to him is the back side of his head......he kept holding them behind his head then dropping them, wondering why they weren't staying on.